Maybe you had a great weekend getaway or a family outing planned. Maybe you wanted to have an Easter family reunion and have your most favorite potato salad from your most favorite aunt. And maybe all this had been planned for months. And you had really been looking forward to it.

However, the world, the Universe had other plans.

I truly know that it’s so frustrating to have to cancel holiday plans, travel plans and all the waiting and hoping to get your money back for flights, etc. is a pain.

It’s also frustrating to not be able to do our usual ‘movie and dinner night out. It's also frustrating to not get to the gym to see all my class members and give sweaty hugs and take group pictures after class.

But try not confuse frustration for anxiety, and let’s not turn frustration into anger.

Right now these things are beyond our control, so frustration, anxiety and anger don’t actually solve any problems or achieve anything positive. And there's nothing in our power to do except focus on our own health.

At this time we are all much better off focusing our energies and attention on deliberately creating a positive and productive daily life. This will mean changing not just our daily routine but also changing our perspective. A new norm, so to speak.

If we just put our life on hold until this all blows over then it just becomes a trial of endurance. Every day will include frustration and anger and will cast us as the victim in our own story. And who wants to be a victim? No one!

Perspective is everything, and even though you still wish you would have been able to go to that weekend getaway, or to Disney for Spring Break, we have to feel grateful that right now you are safe, warm and comfortable, spending time with the family and getting to know each other again, finding yourself again, without the daily rush here and there. Maybe find new opportunities to create and learn!
What are you grateful for? .

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