Emotional and Boredom Eating, Confidence
“Thank you, Shannon, for stopping my sugar cravings! My life had started resolving around thinking about where I could get my next dose of sugar. Tallying up in my brain where the bakeries and ice cream places are, and which flavors they might have today; wanting to have a taste of every kind of sweet available, used to be about all I thought about. Now my brain is free to think about other things, like how strong I can become! I see those sweets and think ‘No, that is not what I need to be strong!’. It is all much easier to resist when I see it, and my constant thoughts about wanting it are gone! Even though I have had years of counseling and understand intellectually why it is not good for me, it wasn’t until I went through the CONTROL program with Shannon that I got those cravings out of my head!”
Confidence/Self-Esteem Session
“I cannot say enough good things about CONTROL or Shannon Price. CONTROL is an incredibly simple and effective method of freeing yourself from thoughts and patterns that no longer serve you. It worked immediately and has provided consistent results. I feel a sense of freedom, joy, and satisfaction every day since doing the sessions. Most of all, doing CONTROL with a practitioner like Shannon has been amazing. Shannon has a sensitivity and radiance that is unique. She truly cares about helping others, and she pours her whole spirit into everything she does. Her energy itself is healing and empowering. She is the perfect person to do CONTROL with. I’m delighted to recommend CONTROL with Shannon Price!
Sadie E. W., JD, MBA
Perfectionism/Self Care Session
“I am so grateful for Shannon and the incredible work she is doing using the CONTROL method. Shannon brings enthusiasm, kindness, intelligence and dedication to everything she does, which makes her an exceptional practitioner. She conducted sessions professionally, following protocol, clearly stating each step in the process, and ensuring that my stress levels were significantly decreased prior to concluding sessions. More importantly, Shannon worked within this framework while also providing an emotionally safe environment; accepting, honoring and gently transforming my internal world. Shannon’s work is a testament to the power of a compassionate and educated guide, to foster the healing of mind, body and spirit in another.
Performance Anxiety/Depression/Procrastination Sessions
“I am writing on behalf of Shannon Price and the work that she did with me using the Control System. I have been struggling with General Anxiety Disorder and low-level depression and have been having difficulty making progress with various things in my life. In addition to individual therapy, an Acceptance Commitment Therapy group, regular weight-lifting classes, and other self-help methods, I met with Shannon four times over a period of a few weeks.
At first, I was skeptical of the mild hypnotic nature of the process, but over time I found that the concepts that Shannon talked about were very helpful in understanding the ways in which my subconscious was working against me to keep me from moving forward and accomplishing certain things in my life. Over the course of a few sessions, I was able to visualize the “crew” on the ship and speak to them so that they would work for me and follow my lead rather than taking over and choosing the direction of the ship to protect me (from things that I don’t actually need to be protected from). I was also finally able to create a “safe space” or “happy place”, which is something that I’ve wanted to do in the past but haven’t been able to fully visualize. As I’ve continued to use this process, it has become easier to access the visual places that I initially accessed with Shannon’s help. This has been very powerful for me as I’ve worked through difficult feelings and moved in the direction of accomplishing things that I need to get done to move forward with my life.
In general, I think that the Control System is a great approach to being able to find better understanding of one’s thoughts, feelings, and motivations. It is also seems to be consistent with mindfulness techniques and well-known therapy methods like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance Commitment Therapy while offering something more experiential, so I found that the combination of these things was complementary.
I would certainly recommend that others work with Shannon and this system and am grateful for the time that she spent working on this with me. I know that she will be able to use her skills with this system to help many other people, as she already does in many aspects of her life as a trainer/coach/and leader in her community.
Best regards,
Emotional Eating/Fear of Flying Sessions
“Worked with Shannon Price and am so pleased with my little minions (crew). Worked on my emotional eating as well as some of my anxiousness for flying to France. My unintentional eating/emotional eating has stopped.
Will write down questions so I can work on my answers while on the plane. I am not nervous, but now excited to get on that plane!”
Self Confidence/New Job/Anxiety
“ After many years at the same job, with a layoff inevitable, I started a new one which took me far outside my “comfort zone” (aka, RUT!). The new job required new skills and responsibilities 180-degrees away from what I was used to. Old anxieties, self-doubt and low confidence reared their ugly heads. The CONTROL System, as administered by Shannon, genuinely helped me to overcome those negative thoughts. She applies the same care, compassion and enthusiasm to CONTROL as she does in every other aspect of her life. I gained so much insight and CONFIDENCE in my true abilities through her. I recommend Shannon and the CONTROL system without reservations.”
Overwhelm and Job Stress/Anxiety
“ If you do have things you are struggling with then Shannon can help you. She’s helping me work through my anxiety. With only 2 sessions I am feeling so much better, lighter, and very little stress. Can hardly wait till the last session this Sunday to see how much better I will feel next week. She is amazing. And believe me I’m not an easy person to work with cause I can run away better than anyone...”
Smoking Cessation
“I wasn’t sure about this. But Shannon is so good and patient. We worked thru everything. Wasn’t sure it would do much for me. But I was wrong. It had made me so much more confident and my stress level has dropped to about zero. And If you knew the kind of job I have you world find that totally amazing♥️ if you have things holding you back in your life I suggest you give her a try🙂”
Emotional Eating, Stress/Anxiety and Bereavement
“I started this journey with Shannon with doubt and hope. I have tried so many times to stop my stress and emotional eating. From my first consultation I knew I had to give this a try. I started noticing subtle changes and began to feel more empowered. I was making better choices and I was proud of myself for doing so. Shannon helped me take control of my negative thoughts and throw them away. I am happy to say I have established a plan for success and am doing it and am so confident. Thank you Shannon for helping me “redecorate” my thoughts. Out with the old and in with the new. You have changed my life. Can’t wait to see what lies ahead!”
Substance Abuse, High Stress Anxiety
“Shannon is an amazing and caring person. Through Control with Shannon I was able to overcome a bad emotional habit in a matter of just a few weeks. In addition to overcoming the emotional habit, it occurred at one of the most difficult emotional times of my life. Shannon has not just helped me through Control but as other obstacles arise. She truly cares about others.”
Trauma, Abuse PTSD
“Shannon is a fabulous individual! After dealing with some very hard things, she has helped me to begin seeing some positive changes. I look forward to what my future holds!”
Abuse, Depression, Childhood Trauma
“Shannon is skilled at employing the Control System to move clients beyond subconscious blocks and free them to lead fulfilling lives. She is WONDERFUL!!”
Anxiety, Panic, Job Stress
“Shannon is always about what she can do for you. How she can help and how she can help you to reach your goal. She is very wise and reassuring. She is a great person to have on your side. I had her help me with anxiety issues. And thanks to her in a very rough time in my life I was able to stand my ground and make it thru instead I’d just quitting and running like i would have done before. She is Amazing”
Panic Attacks, Unfocused
“Shannon is amazing! She will walk you through the process and show you how easy it to yourself in charge of your obstacles that have been holding you back.”
Emotional Eating, Confidence
“The real test of if something works is not a day or two after...its the long haul. I finished my sessions with Shannon over a month ago and still feel excited and exhilarated! She helped me wipe out those bad eating habits and in place opened up a whole new way of seeing things which led me to a new road of self discovery. It’s more than I ever dreamed was possible. And the best part is just getting started. Who knows what the future holds!”
Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Job Stress
“Thank you Shannon ♥️ Without you in my life i would still be stuck in Hell. You’re my Angel 👼”
Pain Control for Chronic Pain
“I have not felt this good in years. I find comfort in knowing I have complete control over the pain and discomfort I have lived with chronically for so, so long.
We got together with friends a couple nights ago and I was told that I am standing straighter and moving with more pep and mobility! I don’t need any help getting into or out of a chair. Going to my exercise class is now so much fun!
I told two of my friends last night to set up an appointment with Shannon right now.””
Confidence/Fear of Driving
“It is so nice to have a sense of inner peace before going somewhere instead of being full of anxiety. What is more amazing is that if I sense my anxiety coming on, I can bring myself back to inner peace.
We moved to Newton back in 2011, but still go back to CR for our dentist. Yesterday was our 6 month check up. Before we needed to leave, my husband said he was really tired. Without hesitation, I offered to drive. Before I would have been thinking (to myself only) suck it up. I drove there and did not have that nauseating anxiety.
Smoking Cessation
“For me...45 years of smoking cigarettes...I like to smoke...but know it’s time to put an end to it having control over so many of my daily habits. One session with Shannon and
I have not had a single puff...nor do I want one!! Amazing!! Been 27 days Nicotine free....and I haven’t killed anybody...and surprisingly....don’t have the urge to!!! Shannon Price.....YOU ROCK!!!
Thank you, I love you....and all you do!! I am blessed to have you as my Coach!!
- Terri ”
Severe Depression/Dark Thoughts
“Shannon did a wonderful job on finding my “stinkin’ thinkin’” in my subconscious and helping me find the way to change those thoughts. Now I can live free from those thoughts and living in my consciousness as well as my healthy subconscious. She is a great mentor and I am so grateful for her skills. Thanks Shannon.”
Insomnia and Boredom/Emotional Eating
“CONTROL has changed the way I eat and sleep. My night watchman makes sure all other crew members are sleeping so that I can sleep! Another crew member pushes me away from night time snacking. Thanks for your support and guidance, Shannon!”
Holding on to the Past/Not Able to Move Forward
“Shannon is truly a badass Rockstar on so many levels. The C.ON.T.R.O.L. method that Shannon offers is truly the best investment you can make for yourself!
She guides you through the process with her amazing vibrant energy that gives you the tools that you can take far beyond the sessions you have with her.
Shannon guides you through the unique methods on how C.O.N.T.R.O.L. works specifically for you. she then teaches you how to do it yourself.
As you start to master these tools for yourself, Shannon is right there along with you if you need some guidance. She’s invested in your well-being and you know you have a comrade in your journey to make those changes other methods haven’t been able to do for you.
She has helped me make major changes in my life that I’ve been trying to do, and with the knowledge of C.O.N.T.R.O.L. the changes that I want to make is now easier and quicker!”
Procrastination, Overwhelm. Can’t move forward.
“One of the best things I could have ever done for myself was take Shannon’s CONTROL therapy sessions. I had run to the end of myself and just kept repeating the same patterns of procrastination that kept me from moving forward to things I wanted to accomplish. I couldn’t get out of my own way. I did not realize the power my subconscious had over my actions. There is so much freedom in knowing I can work with my “crew “ and ask for help and they will listen. It is also so amazing to know I have the tools to continue this work for myself when I am “stuck” or frustrated. Anyone would benefit greatly from this process! Thank you Shannon.”
“Yes, what a game changer. I look at food differently now. I notice that the taste and texture is different and I feel like I don’t have to eat alot. We need food to live, but you don’t need large quantities. I don’t think about food like I did. Before I was always looking for food to eat right after I ate. I find myself doing other things from reading a book, going for walks, playing games with the grandkids, working out and doing crafts. Opportunities are endless.... I can’t explain it, but one day everything just clicked and I was like “Wow, this is the new me! I love the new me. “ That is an amazing feeling!! Thank you Shannon, you’re the best”
“Shannon, I want to thank you for introducing me to your Control Method and helping me with my unhealthy eating behaviors.
All my life I struggled with food related issues and was a classic “yo-yo dieter”. After retirement, with more time on my hands I really felt that food, the desire for it, the cravings were controlling me. I have always felt that self control was a “mind over matter” issue and I could sustain that for a while but would eventually succumb to cravings, stress or even happy times and parties. I reached out to you because I felt hopeless and helpless in matters of food control.
Your program has helped really switch my brain to a totally different mode. I find myself to be in control of what and when I eat. I have not dieted or denied myself any of my favorite foods yet I am satisfied, not hungry and crave healthier foods. It all happened so naturally! Yesterday I went to my favorite Mexican bakery in Florida. My husband gave me one fourth of his croissant. I realized it had my favorite filling and immediately thought of going in and buying another one. Then I checked myself, felt that I had experienced the flavor of the piece I had, was satisfied and didn’t really need more. There was no suffering involved, just controlled decision making.
I know in my heart that I have a whole new and lifelong relationship with food.
Thank you, Shannon.”