FEELING ANXIOUS IS VERY NORMAL and not a sign of an illness.
I’ve been saying this a lot in the past couple of weeks.
Many people I’ve talked to are concerned about their anxiety levels during this time of quarantine. They’ve noticed that they are feeling higher levels of anxiety and for a longer time than usual. Trouble sleeping, eating too much, worry.
Is this a sign of illness?
Are we losing control of our mental health?
Should we be concerned?

In the face of a global pandemic and the very first worldwide isolation any of us have ever encountered, feeling anxious right now is a sign of being alive more than it is a sign of any kind of illness.
In fact I think it could easily be argued that it would be strange to NOT feel higher levels of anxiety at this time.
The last thing we want to start doing right now is feeling anxious about feeling anxious.
So often the thing that causes the most anxiety (even in these strange times) is how anxious we feel.
Is it too high?
Will it ever stop?
Should I be feeling this way?
Do yourself a favor and accept that you feel the way you feel AND THAT’S OK!!
You’ll be surprised how quickly those anxiety levels calm down as we become more accustomed to our current situation and new norm (even though temporary) when we stop focusing on it and analyzing our feelings.
Anxiety is a natural emotion and we will feel it to some degree almost every day of our life.
If you’re anxious that means you are alive and you value your happiness.
And THAT, my friends, is a good thing.🥰🥰

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