Where other systems tell you the value of making changes and taking action, CONTROL is a step by step system for making those changes. It doesn’t just tell you why you should be doing this, it gives you the tools to actually DO IT!

Once learned, you will have this system as a go-to strategy whenever you want to make changes in your life. 
Never again will you feel powerless and dictated to by your own pre-programmed subconscious patterns.
CONTROL puts you back in charge of where you are going and how you are going to get there.

The CONTROL Academy has been recognized as a Center of Excellence by The Complementary Medical Association (The CMA). This means that we are proud to say that we hold full Training School Membership of The Complementary Medical Association.  This Membership is highly prestigious, and it demonstrates our commitment to the very highest standards of excellence in training courses.


The CONTROL Academy is in charge of overseeing the training and ongoing conduct of all current CONTROL Practitioners.

CONTROL Practitioners have a strict code of conduct and ethics that they must abide by at all times to ensure their continued status as certified CONTROL Practitioner.

If a client of a practitioner feels the code of conduct has been violated, they can lobby a complaint to the Academy and the matter will be investigated.

In the event of a practitioner being found to have deviated from the code of conduct the Academy can suspend and in extreme cases remove their status as CONTROL Practitioner.

The CONTROL Academy has been recognized as a Center of Excellence by The Complementary Medical Association (The CMA). This means the Academy is proud to say they hold full Training School Membership of The Complementary Medical Association.  This Membership is highly prestigious, and it demonstrates their commitment to the very highest standards of excellence in training courses. 
Shannon Price is a Recommended Practitioner and member of the CMA.