How Does it Work?
There are two major parts to our thinking: The Conscious and The Subconscious. While our conscious represents the thoughts we are aware of, it is our subconscious that controls all of our feelings, behaviors, and beliefs.
When we attempt to change the way we think, feel, or behave we often struggle to make any impact, and find ourselves in the frustrating situation of knowing how we SHOULD be thinking, but experiencing something quite different. This is because our efforts involve using our conscious mind when it is our subconscious that is in charge of any change.
The CONTROL system teaches you how to communicate with your subconscious in a way that gets heard, enabling you to make the required changes quickly and easily without having to fight or go through any lengthy retraining process.
Where other systems tell you the value of making changes and taking action, CONTROL is a step by step system for making those changes. You aren’t just told why you should be doing this; you are given the tools to actually DO IT!
Once learned, you will have this system as a go to strategy whenever you want to make changes in your life. Never again will you feel powerless and dictated by your own pre-programmed subconscious patterns.
CONTROL puts you back in charge of where you are going and how you are going to get there.