About Shannon


Shannon is a well-known figure in the USA for changing lives by bringing better physical and mental health to her clients. She has dedicated a huge portion of her life to help each person become the best version of who they are one step at a time, and teach them how to continue to do this for life. 

When she learned about the CONTROL System in 2016, she contacted Tim Box and her close friends in the UK to see how we could actually bring this to America.

Two years later, and lots of planning, it happened!  Shannon is proud and honored to bring this method to America as one of the first 3 CONTROL Practitioners in the United States.

There is nothing she won’t do to make this world better for everyone. Hard working and nonstop caring is what Shannon brings to life every day, and CONTROL is the most life-changing system she has found to date. With a 100% success rate not only for her clients, but for herself!

And, by the way, in 2016 Shannon, who has been a musician since the age of 5, was inducted into the IA Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for Women Who Rock.

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent…

But the most responsive to change.

~Charles Darwin