Emotional eating can be a direct result of not being conscious of what or why you’re eating. Therapists call this unconscious eating. Unconscious eating is when you’re done with your meal, and you continue to pick at it, slowly eating the remaining portion that you intended to leave behind. It can also be putting peanuts or crackers or any other food in your mouth, just because it’s in front of you.
But Emotional Eating is SO much more than just unconsciously grabbing what's out there in front of you at home, at a party, a wedding, or other event.

So many people believe that The solution is to try to remain mindful of what and when you are eating. Have you tried this OVER and OVER again? Do you always end up right back where you started? Are you confused about all the crazy information out there about HOW to eat and when and what...WHATEVER!
What if there was a permanent solution? A pain-free, easy, solution for the long term?

I’ve often asked people what it is that they think might happen if they did NOT binge or overeat.
The most common answer is, “I would have nothing to look forward to.” And at the end of a long and hectic day, a big bowl of ice cream or a bag of chips and some mindless TV can be especially effective in temporarily soothing our exhausted, hard-working selves. This is much like rewarding a child with candy or another type of "pacifier" because you think you DESERVE it. Then you don't feel so good about it.
And breaking these habits can be tough - like kicking a drug habit.
As adults, living in our conscious world, we have found ways to distract ourselves from difficult feelings ... and sometimes are not always in our best interest. 
So, when we experience life’s inevitable yucky feelings, we can be susceptible to emotional eating.

It may sound counter-intuitive, but it’s true: Hating your body is one of the biggest factors in emotional eating. Negativity, shame, and hatred rarely inspire people to make long-lasting great changes, especially when it comes to our bodies or our sense of self. 
When you don’t feel good about yourself and blame your body for it, soothing yourself with emotional eating comes pretty easily and this is when body hate begins to destroy your relationship with yourself.
The relationship you have with your body cuts to the very core of your being. 
✋I can help you completely change all of this in a very short time. Please Comment if you are beginning to recognize yourself in these posts about Emotional Eating.💁‍♀️

FRIDAY is our final post of the week for THIS topic...but the topic is never done until YOU decide to make the change! That's exactly why I am here!💖

Great quote here:
"You are not a mistake. You are not a problem to be solved. But you won’t discover this until you are willing to stop banging your head against the wall of shaming and caging and fearing yourself".
― Geneen Roth

Emotional eating is a powerful and effective way to find temporary relief from many of life’s challenges. If it didn’t work so well, no one would do it. 
Emotional eating is eating as a way to suppress or soothe negative emotions, such as stress, anger, fear, boredom, sadness and loneliness. Major life events or, more commonly, the hassles of daily life can trigger negative emotions that lead to emotional eating
In order to stop this cycle of emotional eating, we can completely change that pattern of behavior in a short time.
the CONTROL system is set up to do just that.

If you are someone who eats due to stress, anxiety, emotions...contact me now and get the help you need. Stop the cycle for good. Watch your mental and physical health upgrade for the long run!!

Shannon Price