FOOD has become such a confusing subject for the majority of the planet. WHY???

Because of all the conflicting, confusing, complicated messages being thrown our way every second of everyday. From social media, to television, to grocery stores to the hundreds and thousands of books and articles published day in and day out. It not only SEEMS like there’s something new on the market and in the media everyday…there actually IS something new daily.

These are all meant to have you question what you’re already doing and buy in on something different. Another quick fix, another ridiculous wrap or patch or pill. You get reeled in…and you have to keep buying because the results are promised if you get 12 months of wraps. This diet, that food plan, eat this not that… STOP THE MADNESS!

It’s no wonder you just don’t understand what the heck to do. No one does…so you read, you see an exciting video ad, an airbrushed model, burn all the fat with this, lose all the weight with that.

We’re all so full of anxiety about what and how we should be doing things to be healthier and make our families healthier that we just buy it all!

I have a great idea…

Remember this… EVERYTHING WORKS…but NOT everything is SUSTAINABLE (long term, lifetime) and NOT everything WORKS for every BODY. Yep – truth!

As a woman who has struggled with weight my entire life, as the chubby girl in school, as someone who has never NOT had big weight fluctuations…I can tell you that I actually DO know what works. And I DO know what’s simple. And I DO know that there is NOTHING out there that is a real and life changing quick fix – never has been.

I also know that not all foods work well in every person’s body! That that changes as we age too. And as you begin to eat healthier and dump the sugar and crap, your body will respond unfavorably to those things.

I used to be able to eat spoonfuls of peanut butter…now it makes me bloated and not feel great, as do beans, lentils, etc.

But I am talking about ORGANIC versions because, even though we see all the processed stuff, we don’t buy it for our home.

So it is different now. I get swelling in my ankles from sodium and food that contain more sodium than my body likes to process.
So, if a food isn’t working for you anymore…ditch it for something else!

Real labels. I have no real idea why the USA has to add processed nutrients to foods anyway…weird! All calories are not created equally. (GO UK!! European standards are so much higher)

I eat fats – avocado, coconut oil…good fats. It fills you up in a healthy way and keeps you healthier. Remember when the non-fat everything craze happened in the 60's and especially teh 70's/80's)? Remember how much weight everyone gained. Well, start eating the fats again and watch what happens.

Once we stopped consuming fats, we ate all those fat free foods that, little to our knowledge, contained extras like tons of sugar for flavor. UGH!
No more fat, means no more flavor. Alzheimer’s Disease was unheard of in the 1960’s…But in the 70’s, 80’s and up to the present it is rampant and unfortunately an unnecessary part of aging…there is a lot of research out there about this topic.

First thing to put in your head and on your list is this:
1. Food is fuel – nothing more. Fuel for your brain, organs and muscles. Your body is machine. Not every food will be OK with YOUR body. Test the foods by seeing how you feel after you eat. Keep track of what it was you ate.
2. Water is your biggest friend, your best bud, the elixir of all things living. DRINK UP!
3. Sleep is your Shrine, your Temple, your Holy Grail! GET YOUR SLEEP!
4. Exercise is movement to keep your body from rigor mortis and to keep your brain happy and to stay strong. MOVE!

When you see the next new thing, and there are plenty of crazy things out there in your FB and IG ads, don’t try them all. Please just think!

Before you spend your hard earned money think about this:

When was the last time you actually paid attention to what YOU are doing? When was the last time, if ever, that you wrote down or tracked your daily food and water – and sleep? How about your bathroom habits…? You say you have NEVER done that? Track for a couple weeks and see if you have a routine. I bet you do.
I guarantee that being confused and trying to follow every food plan on the internet, you have never had long term sustainable results. Results that you don’t have to keep starting over to get.

It isn’t so tough to figure it all out once you know the secret.

What if you started tomorrow? Drink ONE extra glass of water. Get ONE extra hour of sleep. Eat ONE (or more) veggie on your plate at each meal. Eat ONE piece of fruit. Walk for 20 minutes during your lunch hour. Choose just ONE of those.
Can you imagine how your life would change? Yes it IS this easy.

Stop spending all your money on stuff you see that shows the “WAY” because it ain’t happening. 
Who needs someone to send them meals that you didn’t shop for and you didn’t make? People who are invalids, people who can’t leave their homes for one reason or another. YOU CAN find time to hit the store once a week and meal prep. Being busy is NOT an excuse. You may find out how much fun it is to involve the family!

You don’t need to get an expensive piece of exercise equipment just because there is a cool TV commercial with great music that shows ripped bodies dripping in sweat and living in the penthouse overlooking the lights of the city…REALLY? What are THEY eating?? Do you wonder? Do they buy their own groceries? Probably not…

🤔Moral of the story?⭐️

Get real, talk about what you think should be the way for you. Make sure your family is on board.

You really don’t have to say anything about what you’re making for dinner – just make healthier meals for the entire family…and don’t make TWO meals – one for the adults and a different one for the kids….WHY would you do that? You have no good excuses.
The kids need to eat better too and grow up believing that this is the NORM. 
I’m guessing there won’t be a lot of questions about “why are we having THIS for dinner” as long as everyone is eating the same thing. STOP the excuses. I promise they will eat the food – even if they pout for a while.

They need to grow up seeing that water, sleeping and exercise are normal.
They ARE watching you. 
They are watching you buy all the JUNK from the TV and ads. They are watching you go for quick pizza and fast food…do you REALLY want them to think THAT’S normal?

My favorite TREAT is pizza. Do I deprive myself of it…of course not. Do I drink extra water when we eat it? YES! Because it does mess with my body sometimes depending what we put on it.

So, try to keep a level head. Decide if you want to spend money on something that is probably not really going to help you but looks cool. 
Or decide if you feel like taking those few steps that might just be the way to better health (and more money saved).

AND no fad diets that you only do for 21 days, or 30 days will work long term because it’s not meant to be sustainable. Try this…make is SIMPLE, and SUSTAINABLE and you will have FUN and see SUCCESS!

A non-deprivation way of life. With more sleep and more water and more brain power! OH YEAH and better skin, organs, eyes, hair, slimmer body and more energy. That’s what I’m talking about! OH and you did it YOURSELF!!

🤗It really isn’t complicated, is it?

Next - let’s treat the CAUSE and not the SYMPTOM so it is never again an issue… now that’s another story…

Shannon Price