I've always been interested in the science of the brain - the psychology of the mind/body connection. Why do people do some of the things they do?

The influence our bodies have on our psychology, from chemicals in the blood to bacteria in the gut.
For example, studies in both animals and people have shown that if you replace bad bacteria in your gut with good bacteria, you can significantly alter mood and emotional functions.

It goes without saying that what’s outside the body also influences the mind. The environment floods the brain with the equivalent of about 10 megabytes of information per second. A lot of that input remains subconscious.

One example is temperature. We can feel when it gets too hot, but relatively subtle differences in temperature are often imperceptible to us.

Many of us are aware that not getting enough daylight can cause seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. Less familiar is the effect of colors. Even tiny color cues in your environment can affect your behavioral performance. It has been found, for instance, that blue-green-yellow type colors tend to be particularly energizing. Red, as its reputation suggests, tends to promote aggression and avoidance. In one study, researchers put little red or blue cues at the top of a fake exam, and found that the people who had the red cues on the exam did worse.

Taking Control of Your Health: The Emotional Connection

The bottom line to this mind body connection is whether we perceive ourselves as powerless in a situation or as having the power to deal with the situation effectively. When we see ourselves as most stressed or traumatized, that can go right into our bodies and minds and reduce our immune function; therefore, healthy mind, healthy body.

Even minor emotional stressors—if we interpret them negatively or feel powerless against them—can set off smaller psychosomatic mind and body symptoms such as colds, viruses, back pains, and allergies. Prolonged or accumulated emotional stresses often lead to more serious physical health ailments.

A Johns Hopkins study reviewed data on 95,000 American children and found that nearly half experienced trauma, including physical or emotional abuse or neglect, deprivation, substance-abuse problems, or exposure to violence. Children who had two or more of such emotional experiences were twice as likely to have chronic health problems, indicative of a mind body connection.

Why don’t we often follow medical advice?
According to the American Heart Association, only 10 percent of us will maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle even though we know the measures. Also, only 5 percent of us who study meditation for stress reduction continue to practice it regularly for more than a few months.
+ Why do visualizations, affirmations, diets, and exercise regimens often fail—even when a person is intent on making them succeed?
+ Why do physical symptoms or emotional mind and body problems seem intractable, even after years of talk therapy?

Because the barriers and the direct way to knock down those barriers has not been accessed. Treatments are on the surface and tend to lump everyone into categories.
The system I work with my clients is a direct method of creating rapid and positive change in the way you think, feel and behave.

The system utilizes the way your mind works best, enabling you to get control of your subconscious patterns of thought, giving you the power to remove any blockages and limiting beliefs that hold you back.

By using direct communication with the most powerful and creative part of your mind this system puts you back in charge of your own thoughts and responses.
The system acts as a permanent means of updating your automatic patterns of thought and programming yourself for success.

This can be used to change almost any current pattern of thought you are unhappy with.
The beliefs that restrict us and prevent us from reaching our true potential are all, at some point, learned at a subconscious level. Yet often we become consciously aware that certain beliefs or patterns of thought are now out of date and do us no good. So how do we change it for good?
This is the only method by which we can actually update our own subconscious programming and remove the barriers in our thinking that restrict us.

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