I know you've seen posts everywhere about either having results, or excuses...that's true...BUT it really isn't true for everyone...
What if you're making excuses because there is a definite roadblock stopping you, and you don't even know what it is, but you can never seem to get past it? Why is that YOUR fault? It's not. You aren't lazy and you actually know what to do...but can't.
What if you already KNOW that results from anything you want in life are waiting for you...but it's just something you can't seem to make happen?
No one in your face telling you and yelling at you can make it happen unless we find out what that roadblock is. Then you won't need a reminder or an in-your-face post.
It's happened with so many of my clients. And not just for physical health and changes...but for the mind and mental changes. NO physical changes can ever happen or stick for a lifetime unless we make the mind change first.

There are two major parts to our thinking: The Conscious and The Subconscious. While our conscious represents the thoughts we are aware of, it is our subconscious that controls all of our feelings, behaviors, and beliefs.
When we attempt to change the way we think, feel, or behave we often struggle to make any impact, and find ourselves in the frustrating situation of knowing how we SHOULD be thinking, but experiencing something quite different.
This is because our efforts involve using our conscious mind when it is actually our subconscious that is in charge of any change.

You can go from dreaming and thinking and WANTING to change your life to DECIDING to do just that.
I decided to do whatever it took to do what I wanted to do throughout my entire life. There’s never been a time in my life, no matter what else was going on, that I didn’t stop finding ways to do those things that held my passion no matter what was thrown in my path.
I had to get over my ultimate terror of spending money I assumed I “didn’t have”, and know and believe that I could do it myself and do whatever it took, no matter what the cost. And I had to make TIME to get what I wanted, even if I was working 80 hours a week.

Because here’s the thing:
Not only did I face my fear of never having enough money or finding time, but I invested in myself. I believed in myself enough to take the leap and then demanded of myself that I would do whatever it takes. I did this subconsciously, just making it happen, nothing was so far out of reach that I couldn’t grab it. I had zero excuses.
Here’s what happened to the people who have done that very thing with MY HELP –
Can FINALLY sleep through the night
lost the weight they’ve always wanted to lose for good
left bad relationship when they were terrified to leave and move away from toxic environments
quit that soul-sucking. mind-numbing job that gets you nowhere except the same place you are now
stopped habits like smoking and drinking
and discovered that self-care is NOT selfish!
I love you and want to help you learn to love yourself…that’s how it works!!
Ready to talk?

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