HOLIDAY SURVIVAL Mind and Body!*๐ŸŽ„๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿฅณ

Maintaining Your Sanity over the Holidays!


How many times have you dreamed of holiday travel every year to see your family, to go to a warm climate, or to a great exotic place but never visited? Ever wonder why that happens?

Maybe you decide to do something about it. You start browsing for some travel deals, flights, bus rides, train rides, driving distancesโ€ฆ then, after a bit of time, your energy fades again, and you have several bad scenarios which might happen to make your trip a nightmare. You ditch the plans, and return to your previous blah and โ€œoh well, maybe next yearโ€, feeling dissatisfaction, doubt, and discouraged with yourself.

This is not your fault.

Fear is the reason of your doubt and discouragement. You get depressed times when you think about your lack of satisfaction caused by not traveling anywhere.

Today, Iโ€™m going to help you understand why youโ€™re letting fear stop you from reaching your dream vacation, or exploration. Iโ€™ll also show you how to deal with specific situations that fear creates in your mind to stop you. You might be surprised at how this works!

Here are a few reasons that fear stops you from traveling.

1. Getting out of the comfort zone

Youโ€™re thinking about your desired destination. You have errands around the house, a 9-5 job, and kids to take care of. Youโ€™re afraid what might happen when youโ€™re away. It sure would be nice to go to right now, but โ€œIโ€™m busyโ€. You think that everything might fall apart while youโ€™re gone.

This is the most common example of people who do not want to leave their comfort zone, and to free themselves by visiting the place they dream about. To put this fear behind you, just tell yourself what would be the worst possible scenario that might happen when youโ€™re away. Then think of what you would do to restore the order. Write all the worst scenarios and solutions on a piece of paper and read it several times. Youโ€™ll feel the relief, like a weight being lifted from your shoulders. Think of the positive aspects of travelling to your favorite destination. You will find more than 10 reasons to do it. Go and forget about the fear of leaving home. Everything will sort itself out.

2. Fear of the unknown

Fear of the unknown shows itself as anxiety. You can have many fearful questions in your mind, usually in rapid fire succession.

When youโ€™re preparing for the trip, itโ€™s best to have smart and thorough research about your desired location. There are over a million travel related sites out there to help. You can make your itinerary, find about places of interest, what to avoid, and where to try best food. Good preparation will get you excited and anxious about your trip, instead of being afraid. If you are traveling to family or to a location by car, find some car trip games, and make sure you go to your mechanic to get your vehicle in perfect working order - TIRES TOO!

4. Fear of having a bad experience

When youโ€™re frightened and stressed out, your brain can make you think of many circumstances that might occur. You might get robbed. What if itโ€™s too crowded, and maybe you get pushed or somebody attacks you?

This fear is based on stress and anxiety. When you feel this way, you canโ€™t see the good and fine things that might happen to you while traveling; you are too focused only on the bad things that might happen. And just telling yourself to relax really doesnโ€™t work at all. Stop making up reasons that might turn you away from traveling and exploring new and stunning locations.

Once we have high anxiety or phobias/fears, Itโ€™s something that started earlier in life and eventually these high levels reduce, but we are left in the habit of constantly scanning ourselves to check for anxiety. Then if we feel ANY anxiety (as we inevitably do) this spikes our anxiety through fear that we will never be free of it.

The good news here is that anxiety is a natural feeling that we all need to feel on pretty much a daily basis. It tells us when big things are approaching and enables us to prioritize the important from the trivial. We need to feel it. As soon as we stop fearing the feeling we stop amplifying it and get used to those low levels of anxiety that enhance rather than destroy our life.

5. Fear of flying

The fear of flying has actually evolved into a medically defined phobia. If youโ€™re having problems with the fear of flying, it can be dealt with by preparation and logical thinking. First of all, in todayโ€™s world the chances of an airplane falling from the sky are very, very small. Technology is advancing with each passing day, and security measures are near perfection. When you think about it youโ€™ll realize there arenโ€™t many chances for something to go wrong. If you are flying to your location, bring headphones and an audio book, or your favorite relaxation music. If you cannot get past this fear โ€“ SEE ME. Iโ€™ve helped more than one person rid themselves of this phobia โ€“ very easily โ€“ and it does not come back.

6. The fear of traveling alone

This type of traveling can be exciting. People who have already done this can tell only great things about solo traveling, especially women. Even though, some people are frightened to even think about it and canโ€™t fathom going alone. What if something happens and you need helpโ€ฆthereโ€™s going to be help for you, and you might even make a new friend or two.

This world is enormous, and a million wonders wait for you to discover them. Donโ€™t get paralyzed by fear. If you canโ€™t seem to get out of this, please make an appointment and we will change it for good.!!

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