*HOLIDAY SURVIVAL Mind and Body!πŸŽ„πŸ€©πŸ₯³

Maintaining Your Sanity over the Holidays!

**So you're a single parent, and your kids get to go to their dad's house on weekends. But that means...you just HAVE to make sure everything is PERFECT and textbook story for the kids when they are with you. **


The thing is, most people who have perfectionist tendencies are sometimes more than just detail-oriented high achievers. They are often racked with anxiety, depression and fear.

They’re so worried about being perfect and doing well they almost become paralyzed. They'll spend hours slaving over an task only to miss the deadline because nothing they create meets the impossible standards they've set for themselves.

They will clean and clean again in case something was missed. Each bed will have perfect corner sheets and pillows placed "just so". They might engage in this vicious cycle where nothing is ever good enough, so they never make any forward movement.

When this happens, a mom will constantly be chasing after a child worried they might spill something, or move something and not put it back in place.

SO HOW IN THE WORLD does this impact us at the holiday season??

Once this is your M.O. (Mode of Operation), you might be so focused on how the house looks, and how well the food is prepared and how everything is in it's place...then you just forget about YOU!!

There’s a feeling that β€˜If I’m not outstanding at what I do, then I’m not going to be loved as much.

If you’re constantly on edge when socializing and having people over, or getting together with family, and criticize your every move, how is that going to help you?

Keeping your distance from people who may criticize you prevents the possibility of dealing with shame that comes with being reminded that you’re not perfect. (Well, I say, "WHO CARES"? But I know YOU DO!)❀️

Whether you are well-known for being a perfectionist, or an occasional perfectionist, trying to be perfect is a means of protecting our vulnerability. A way of protecting ourselves from criticism, rejection and disapproval. But that sure is a big weight to carry around when the holidays are supposed to be cheerful and somewhat relaxing.

When we shine a light of self-compassion on our flaws, we can recognize, that despite all our perceived failings, we are actually OK.😍

Imperfectly imperfect, but being and doing our best. And our best is always enough.

**So give yourself a break - and not just during this holiday season, but make it a habit to find an hour a day...or even 30 minutes to read a book, take a bubble bath, meditate, take a nap, skip your shower, pull your hair back, and just remember who YOU are and that YOU are the most important person of all in your life. Then it will be a lot easier to take care of that family of yours. Delegate chores to them, let them help you like the team that you are...and you'll all relax a little! <3 <3 **

Shannon PriceComment