How you choose to spend your time defines your priorities.  

Whether you say so or not, your priorities are where you choose to spend your time.

Do you live every day in that small, safe place?  Always settling for less life than you are so capable of creating and living?  What about the experiences you only keep wishing you could have? 

Excuse after excuse in your own thought patterns keep holding you back from jumping through that paper wall you seem to have blocking your way…when you can see on the other side what could be your best life.

Are you ready to be done with those roadblocks? If not, then are you OK with the price you’re paying for every year, continuing to put off making any change or taking the chance to pursue the passion that makes your heart race.

You only get one life

Learn how you can be bigger than any of your excuses. What you want most, what you envision really can happen. 

 You know the old saying…

If you want to do something badly enough, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse. It really IS as simple as that.

Stop Making Excuses for Who You Are

We all realize that excuses are really just masterfully engineered justifications we tell ourselves, and anyone else who will listen, to rationalize our actions or, more appropriately, our IN-action.

Let’s face it, there will always be an abundance of readily available reasons to justify the way you choose to live life and why you’re unable to improve it.

You are busy. You haven’t done it before. You are not as young as you once were, you don’t have the support you wish you had. It is difficult.  What if you fall?  What if you fail?  Maybe you’ll hurt your pride for a minute as well.

The Inconvenient Truth of Excuses

You know what? The inconvenient truth of any excuse is that the quality of your life is molded by the quality of your excuses.  

If you’re like everyone else, most of the excuses you’ve been making are simply ways to cover up for the fact that you really don’t want to do something or you’re really just afraid that if you try, it won’t work out and you’ll feel like a loser. Am I right? 

Those excuses can be the little lies and reasons we make to ourselves to avoid the actual work of living a better life. You and I know both know that you are selling yourself short when you make excuses.                          


We’ve all said it before.

“I just don’t have enough time.”  when life gets busy or when we don’t want to feel guilty about not doing something or going somewhere.

  • If we don’t have enough time to work out, it’s easier for us to be okay with wheezing after a flight of stairs.

  • If we don’t have enough time to prepare healthy meals, it’s easier to accept our next unhealthy meal through a drive-thru window. Then pay for medication later.

  • If we don’t have enough time to clean the house, it’s easier to accept living in filth.

  • If we don’t have time to apply for new jobs and make new connections, it’s easier to accept staying in a dead-end job or procrastinating getting one and live as such.

 What if you started today saying this…

Starting today, instead of saying: “I don’t have time.”  Catch yourself and say, “It’s not a priority.”   Learning this simple tactic has been monumental in changing the way I think about my time. NOW I am getting in CONTROL of my time.

Watch how your perspective shifts when looking at those same challenges this way:

  • “I’d love to work out, I just don’t have time” becomes “exercising isn’t a priority.”

  • “I’d love to eat healthier, but I don’t have time to cook” becomes “eating healthy isn’t a priority.”

  • “I don’t have time to apply for a job becomes “Helping to support myself and my family isn’t a priority.

Suddenly, the excuse of time becomes an incredibly weak statement that even YOU don’t believe.

The real truth

Shannon Price