Anxiety is something we never had to really deal with as we were growing up in the 60's and 70's. Oh yes - we grew up during the Vietnam Era. We lost friends, we saw the news. But there was never a time that we didn't have an outlet. As time moved on, there is actually no escape as we have media blasting on all cylinders 24/7.
So how do we figure out what to do? Our greatest defense against anxiety and stress is the ability to change our minds.
But is that as easy as it sounds? Can we just stop watching the news, listening to the air waves? Can we stop scrolling social media and turn our heads to the negative posts and toxic feelings they generate?
Maybe...but we can definitely change our thought patterns and patterns of behavior to minimize anxiety.
If I gave you the tools so that YOU were less anxious and stressed and able to control those reactions and emotions for the rest of your life...
Would you use the tools to do that?
Because the worst way to use your imagination is anxiety...