So many successful people credit their self-esteem and their confidence to their success.

But not many people really know what it is or can explain how to build confidence, or how to become confident.

It's tricky, because confidence is built on different things, but overall it is built on personal choices and accomplishments that feed and fuel your passions, and make you feel happy and proud of who you are. Discovering these things is one of the most worthwhile pursuits of your life. But so many are withdrawn and don't know where to begin.


I work with people pretty much on a weekly basis on finding their confidence. Being able to get that new job, ask that person out on a date, start a new project in the arts...or just being able to talk to another person without folding into themselves and hiding.

The good news is that self-confidence really CAN be learned and built upon. It’s well-worth the time and investment in yourself to become confident!

Being confident is important, but it's not always easy to do and it doesn't come naturally to everyone. It can also waver — confidence comes and goes and some days you need to put in a little extra work to channel it.

You have the same right as anyone else to stand up for yourself, pursue your dreams, enjoy your life, and make a difference in the way that’s most meaningful to you.

But...if you find that you are hesitating, procrastinating, never "ready" for that move to a new job, a new town...a new relationship...and you have no idea why or how to get out of this rut, or move this roadblock, you're not alone.

Some people fear confidence, because they don’t want to start stepping on other people’s toes, taking up too much space, or just plain being a jerk. But confidence isn’t the same as arrogance or narcissism. 
In fact, when you feel confident in yourself, you often become LESS self-absorbed. When you STOP WORRYING so much about how you’re coming across, you can pay more attention to those around you.

How can CONTROL help you get there? Talk to me I will explain! 

Performance, Public Speaking, Going for that job interview, Mingling at a party, even GOING to the party, Talking with people in person and NOT always online....all of these are confidence problems.

You can practice your speech, you can practice a job interview, you can practice your music, you can practice talking to people. And once you’ve put in the hours of practice, you should be able to take action without obsessing over what might go wrong.'s not always so easy.

Not all self-doubt is a bad thing. Sometimes you might fear that you haven’t prepared enough for the big presentation, the recital, or the interview. Practicing what you plan to say and do will give your mind something to fall back on when the pressure is high.

Most people have no idea how to overcome this mindset. They believe it's just who they are and that nothing is ever going to change. THAT'S where the CONTROL System comes in.

If you could make the appointment for that new job interview, if you could get up in front of people...or even just ONE person and talk or whatever it is you desire to do...HOW would that make YOU FEEL??

For those who suffer from insecurity, it is easy to look around and assume confident individuals do not deal with the same problems, but the truth is now and then, everyone doubts themselves.

Yes, everyone. Whether this is a chronic problem or just a bad day, there are ways to deal with it, and a confidence burst is more than necessary in certain situations. Someone might need to cause a good impression during a job interview, a date, or perhaps they just want to do it for themselves.

So WHY can't they just make it happen?

Mainly...because they don't ask for help. Most people with confidence issues would rather sit back and watch - even if they are longing to do something. Once the confidence pattern of behavior is changed - everything changes.

That's exactly what CONTROL can do for you. Find that one bit of your subconscious that is sitting on the sidelines and negotiate with it that this pattern of behavior is old and outdated...and something new needs to happen. Give it a new job to do.

The incredible changes I have seen with my clients is unparalleled. CONTROL changes lives in a way that no other therapy has ever been able to do. Need more information? Contact me now!

When you feel confident in yourself, you often become less self-absorbed. When you stop worrying so much about how you’re coming across, you can pay more attention to those around you.Which,in turn, will make life easier in all situations because you are more aware of others.

It’s easy to believe that everyone around you has the perfect marriage, a dream career, and supermodel looks and a genius brain. But remember, what people post online is heavily collected, selected, presented and edited. Everyone has bad days, self-doubt, and physical imperfections. They just don’t trot them out on Facebook! And if they do... are they looking for attention?

It might seem counter intuitive, but when you have more self-confidence, you’re less focused on yourself. We’ve all been guilty of walking into a room and thinking, “They’re all looking at me. They all think I look dumpy and that every word I say is incredibly stupid!” The truth is, people are quite wrapped up in their own thoughts and worries. When you get out of your own headspace, you’ll be able to genuinely engage with others.

People often think that confidence is a special trait that only a lucky few are born with and the rest of us are left in the dust wishing for.

With CONTROL, we can literally rewire our brains in ways that affect our thoughts and behavior at any age. This means that no matter how worried, shy or doubtful you have been up until now, if you take action you CAN change!

Shannon Price