Anxiety is Normal!

Did you know that Anxiety is normal?
Did you know that Anxiety is NOT a "disorder" but an emotion?
Most of the time when someone goes to be treated for anxiety it will be perceived as a label, a disorder. Which it is NONE of those. When I treat anxiety, I give YOU the tools to quiet it down.

Think of it like this... if you hear everyone in your head shouting all at once this can definitely cause excessive anxiety. What would happen if you could make it more like a whisper in a library and not everyone talking loudly all at once to get your attention? When that happens, no one in that head of yours gets the attention because it's all too much.
If someone whispers to you when everyone else is pay attention.

Here's a scenario you can relate this to:
Imagine your mind is constantly predicting disaster. For instance, you never walk or run, ski or ride a bike/rollerskate downhill because you are constantly worried you might fall and get hurt. Any time you have the opportunity to go running or biking or skiing with friends, you are worried. So you sit in the lodge while they are all skiing, or you tell them you'll take pictures while they bike down the big hill.

There's part of you that seems to always be looking after you, but it's doing it too enthusiastically. This is a good friend inside that brain, but you need to have it calm down a little.

So imagine that you are the head of a stock exchange. Now you see yourself behind the big desk in the main office and imagine all of your staff that works with you.
All of a sudden there is shouting and yelling and just really loud talking. If we're lucky, we MIGHT hear the person who is actually talking directly to us, trying to tell us something.
This is a big emotional anxiety because they may be trying to tell us THERE'S DANGER HERE. The only problem is that this constant yelling, you won't actually hear what a staffer just said to you because there's so much yelling it over and over again when she really just needs to tell you once and go back to her main job.
Now Imagine that another staff member asks everyone to go back to their own work. Now THAT'S your mind working FOR you. Which really is what your subconscious is supposed to be doing...looking for the best strategies for your happiness. When everyone is shouting, nobody gets heard.

Now imagine that you are the head librarian in that huge library inside your mind. When everyone is silent, as a rule, without anything going on, then every whisper gets heard. That's what the mind is supposed to do...whispering and nudging - just pointing out things. What happens to your excessive, loud anxiety? It becomes a quieter emotion. You still have it because we NEED to know when something is going to happen. It's just having the tools to understand the motivation behind that shouting so you can feel more at ease.
It's like when someone is panicked and banging on your door because there is an emergency. They keep banging until we answer the door.
Answering the door and saying, "OK this isn't something you need to worry about. It's not an emergency" thought it was, but it isn't.

Do you need the tools to send your staff to the library and get them off the stock exchange floor?
All you have to do is ask me.

Shannon PriceComment