HOLIDAY SURVIVAL Mind and Body!😍πŸ₯³πŸ™†β€β™€οΈ

As you know - this is not going to be the what you eat, exercise and all the things you've done a million times.

πŸ€”πŸ€—Does the mind control the body or does the body control the mind?

If you said both you are right.


We have around 70,000 thoughts a day and some of those thoughts we listen to and others we don’t.

About 80-90% of those thoughts are the same as you had yesterday, some of those thoughts we listen to are turned into actions and that action over a period of time is stored in our body as behavior and our body stores this behavior as habit.

We perform theses habits really well as they don’t need any thought, it's like they have become part of our DNA, like snacking on crap when we are cooking a healthy meal, or not pushing yourself when exercising. Some of us do this without thinking.

We KNOW the outcome of these behaviors but we still do them,

Why? because we get a level of certainty from them, We all love certainty in life, to some degree. But if our life is full of certainty we will never change, we will never grow and we will never better ourselves.

Then if we want to change... we have to change SOMETHING, and that means doing something different, something that's hard, something that might even scare you, as you can' really predict the outcome.

But to do this we NEED our mind. if we want to learn a new skill or even break an old habit the mind is the tool we need. It is this breaking of the old habits that we all find hard to do because it takes effort and lots of it.

As we try to break these habits our body fights against it sending signals to our brain like: this doesn’t feel right...what are you doing? (it’s a little more complex than this but you get the idea).

In order for us to change, we must become conscious about what we are doing. Once your mind can negotiate the change...YOU have the power to change.

If we can see the outcome we want, our body will start to accept that as the new reality. And by being consistent and persistent with it we start to rewrite those habits with new ones.

Shannon Price