Time is our most precious resource.  We all have 168 hours in a week.

It’s remarkable how much time you can find when you minimize the things that aren’t important to make room for the things that are.

Where do you spend your time?  Just like any tracking system, keeping a daily food journal can be eye-opening.  Try tracking your time over the next seven days in 30-minute blocks. How much time do you spend on the computer, watching TV, Social Media, etc.?   You will probably be surprised!  Of course, if you work from home, your computer time will be more priority time.

WOW Look at what you accomplished!!

  • The 10 hours of TV each week become less important.

  • The late nights on Facebook become more evident .

  • Those unproductive hours spent sitting at your desk, “working” without actually WORKING become crystal clear.

It’s not what you say that’s important to you, it’s what you DO that’s important to you.  

Listen to the “excuses” of successful people and one thing will stand out: They don’t make them.

Instead, they OWN their choices and take full responsibility of the results that happen what they did or didn’t do.

The excuses I’ve used have all found their way back to me as JUST THAT, meaningless excuses!  

One excuse I have NEVER used and will never use, is that I am too old, or that my family never supports me.  I know that anyone can make anything happen at any age. 

I also know that, even though I grew up with a mom and sister that stood behind me 110%, I understand there are people who don’t get that support and encouragement from spouses or other family members.   Close your ears to them and make YOUR life happen.  Then watch them follow. 

This is about YOU – making your life something spectacular and you should be able to include your loved ones.

Maybe you have NO idea how to start

When I started playing music full-time and living on the road in hotels, I had no idea where to start. 

I figured it out. 

This was before the internet and cell phones. I made it happen without computers, without social media and without cell phones.  After all those years on the road (16+ years to be exact), when I decided in my 40’s to get back into fitness, I wasn’t sure where to begin since it had been so long. 

I figured it all out because I had no excuses and no reason not to do it.  I always made things happen that were my passions.  I can’t live any other way. Even in those times of doing what I HAD to do, I still did what I longed and needed to do. It’s a MINDSET!!

I gave myself permission.

After a few years, I owned and operated a Martial Arts/Fitness Center. I put my band back together after the long illness and passing of my partner in music and life in 2001, with new members to play locally. There are so many things I decided I could do, because excuses would never let me see the joy and light of living the way I want to live.

 A Problem You Probably Already Thought About

Most people would have accepted any excuse I might have made for not pursuing the life of a traveling singer/musician, living in hotels traveling from city to city, state to state, country to country.  Those same people would have also accepted any excuse I made for not opening up the Martial Arts/fitness school.  Yes, I had to relearn and study and get certified and all that goes along with it. But doing the work makes the reward sweeter, always.

And oh yes, you will always find those well-meaning people to BACK UP your excuses. Even the ridiculous ones. But those people will NEVER be the trailblazers, the change makers and go-getters and life changers.

Nope, the people who will back up your excuses are the ones who have well-worn excuses themselves to explain their lot in life. They don’t want to imagine you being successful because they have no idea what that actually means, and it might mean leaving them behind.


If you’re not sure where to start, get out a pen and ask yourself these questions.  From: Make Your Mark: A Guidebook for the Brave Hearted  by Margie Warrell

  1. What is not working in my life right now or just isn’t as great as I’d like it to be?

  2. What excuses have I been making to justify and explain it?

  3. What’s the price I will pay if I keep trading in these excuses? (Lost opportunity cost, financial cost, relationship cost, physical cost, career cost, etc.)

  4. What is one powerful choice I can make right now that will move me powerfully into action?

I am adding my own #5 to this list…WHERE IS MY OWN HEAD RIGHT NOW? How can I reprogram myself?

Think about this…you only get one life, and delaying, procrastinating makes an increasing toll on your mental and physical health the longer you live that way.  

Don’t waste time and the best years of your life on excuses that keep you from your amazing REAL life. Be bigger than your best excuses. What you really want most in every part of your life, is depending on it… if you don’t, the time will still pass, then it’s gone and you have no more time.

Shannon Price